Yes, I honestly think that everyone is unique. Well, given the fact that we are all equal, we should honestly follow the government's laws.
Why sometimes we actually see certain people being a cut above or something like that. What does that even mean? Why do you have to be a cut above? Where does sizing even originate?
I'm trying to believe that it came from victims of emergencies and disasters. Why this club of theirs has to be a secret: the only reason being that they are constantly under fire or panic --- it's really, like, what are they even? what are those "chosen people"? Are they actually communists?
Trying perhaps to keep their own spouse to themselves.
I hear that they actually pass from one relationship to another. Sleep in a friend's house to another. Drink 1 beer to another. There's definitely something vicious going on.
Something like stealing each other's boyfriend or girlfriend? Competitions for a paramore? Returning to past relationships? Late night chatting? Like, always isn't it?
And thus we see they are just brown people. Yeah, we get it. Why are we even interested?
Well, let me see. This could really originate from money problems: the knowledge of something that could cost more than money. Well tough luck,money is gold.Their skin is brown. They're even fat. They even have lots of food. They drive a car. What gives? Why can't they ride a tricycle to school instead? I will say, that mercy given, they should really not use cash! Bitcoin is the only way!
So they are interesting just because they're problematic! This could be a human morale question to ask: but the real thing behind, whether "you have a computer or not" is actually whether you have money or not.So humanity without money: what is that like?
I don't know when to recall when they lost all their cash. I think they were once part of several celebrity fandoms. A certain infamous event or music concert has probably sparked a flame of spouse competition.I don't recall. This had to occur long before the OJT vacation, but I kind of have an inkling that this flame was kindled by Battle of the Bands. If the whole Woodstock situation of hipsters is just the same as Battle of the Bands...This might have occured because of several electric equipment, music skills training, branded clothing, lodging and food catering package included! That's way over the top---This had too occur at the legal age of minors. Say it isn't so---you could not say your cultural name or your real age before the permission was given by legal guardians and other responsibly involved adults.And yet the spectacle was unexplainable---outsiders invited given management skills of classmates' allowance money.The chance of a lifetime whisks past us: get trained, get selected, get tested, get screened, get interviewed, get sent away. Get a job, get money and what else? Get a girlfriend?
For the second time we have been waiting. Our time has really arrived, except for some invaders from outer space in our quiet Assumption gardens.
So eventually, what else is left to do? What shall you do with your own self-made school?
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